The Mission of the Employment Sub-Committee is to provide a collaboration of community-based organizations for the purpose of educating employers in an effort to ensure the successful reentry of justice-impacted individuals.

For several years the committee has held Employer Lunch & Learn events quarterly to fulfill its Mission of educating employers. These events have educated employers in multiple areas such as the Tax Benefits, On the Job Training, and Work Innovation & Opportunity Act. This venue also allows employers to connect with other employers who have experience in successfully hiring those with justice-impacted backgrounds.

This committee is committed to the continued work of opening the doors to employment for this population. We know that it benefits ALL of us if we support the efforts of getting those back into the Workforce as productive and Tax Paying citizens.



















Meeting day/time:  The first Monday of the month at 1:00p.m.

Chair: Charlene Autolino
Outreach Consulting Services